Course Description:
This course will examine the basis of
Christian ethics. In this course, you will
study God’s Word to discover the precepts
and principles we are given about such
subjects as sex, family, honesty, suicide,
abortion, the education of children,
economics, humanism, and more. You will also
discover the character of God which provides
the foundation to apply the Test of Truth
and the Evidence of Truth in any
circumstance. Course Goals and Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, students
1. Receive the precepts of Scripture as
absolute Truth;
2. To honor the person and character of God
as the standard against which all truth can
3. Appreciate the long-term, future benefits
of right choices over the immediate
gratification of counterfeits.
4. Use the Test of Truth and the Evidence of
Truth to make ethical decisions;
5. Study the Scriptures to discover the
precepts, principles and Person of Truth—
God Himself.