Course Description:
These principles of war have been taught
for over 2500 years. They are taught
because the work. They work because
they are biblically based. Leaders in
war and business have utilized these
principles to develop strategies that
win. Commander Taylor has proven these
principles in business serving Fortune
100 companies and in the ministry. They
have been used equip leaders in cities,
counties, states and 24 nations in 2009
to mobilize and connect the body of
Christ through strategic prayer and
action in Operation Rolling Thunder.
Churches participating through ORT
reported verified supernatural signs,
wonders along with measurable results
such as increased salvations, water
baptism, decreasing crime, miraculous
harvests, increasing economy, droughts
broken, remarkable unity and much more.
This is essential training for any
apostolic leader serving in the 7
spheres of society and lays the
foundation that equips any leader to
develop the most effective strategy in
church, business, government, media,
education, healthcare and the family.
Course Goals and Objectives:
You will study the biblical foundations
of each of the 8 major principles of war
with a view towards equipping you to
apply them in your life,
ministry, business, or any of the 7
spheres of society and beyond. Two of
the basic functions of an apostle is to
develop strategy for spiritual war and
to build. Leaders will learn
foundational essentials to do both. The
goal is to train you to think, plan, act
and pray like an admiral, a general or
an apostle to project power to enforce
the will of the government you
represent, which in our case is the
gospel of the kingdom of our Lord Jesus