HIST 3255, Comparative World Religions

Course Information

Number: HIST 3255

Name: Comparative World Religions

Instructor: Mary Allen (bio)

Section: Su04-01

Credits: 3

Learning Resources:
Questia.com subscription Questia is an online library of over 400,000 downloadable resources, including books, journals and periodical articles. Subscriptions are available on a monthly or quarterly basis, and will replace the purchase of individual textbooks for this course

Materials will also be supplemented by online resources .

Strategies for Success:
Message from your instructor
How to take this Course
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Course Activities:

See the Syllabus

Work on Assignments

Attend Lectures


Take Tests



Course Description:
A historical and comparative survey of the principal beliefs and practices of the world's major religions. Major religions are considered: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Shinto and Taoism.

Course Goals and Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, students will:
1. Understand the importance of religious belief, expression, and worship to human beings.
2. Be exposed to the major tenets and practices of the worlds major religions.
3. Be exposed to the major truth claims of each major world religion.
4. Understand the geographic impact on religious practice in the worlds various regions.
5. Compare and contrast ancient vs. modern religious practices.
6. Evaluate the absolute and relative claims of the world's major religions.
7. Evaluate the nature and character of God in light of each major world religion.


[Syllabus] [Assignments] [Lectures] [Classrooms] [Resources] [Schedule]