Message From Your Instructor

Our most important work in this course is to learn how we know that something is a fact, or to put it another way, that something is true. We use science and the scientific method as a foundation for understanding facts and truth in a broader context.

Like investigators, in any walk of life, we need to be able to discern truth from fiction. Whether dealing with error or deceit, it is crucial to possess a method by which to determine truth.

That method has become known as the "scientific method." Our work will be devoted to understanding the development and application of the scientific method.

This is a course devoted to the study of science, not necessarily particular hard sciences, but rather the "doing" or the pursuit of science. It is a study many have found transformative. It is not only a course "about" science, but is also a study of science's impact. In these times, especially, it is a compelling topic.

As you complete the assignments and measurements for this course, please feel free to emphasize your growing knowledge. Be sure to notice and integrate ways that the subject and concepts touch you both at an intellectual and a "heart" level.

It is my hope that we will work together and learn to in a spirit of harmony and inquiry. Thank you for enrolling in this course!

Please contact me with any questions, comments or concerns you may have. Enjoy the course!


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