THEO5825: The Morality of the Christian


Course Information


Name: The Morality of the Christian 

Instructor: ACU Shared Course (Intro)

Section: IS-001

Credits: 3

Learning Resources:


MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 6th Edition by Joseph Gibaldi

(Required for all courses in the M.Th. program)                  

Holy Bible (please note what translation you use on your assignments)

Additional Resources:
Course assignments can be completed using Web-based resources linked from the
Resources page.

Strategies for Success:
How to take this Course
Contact Tech Support

Course Activities:

See the Syllabus

Work on Assignments

Attend Lectures


Take Tests



Course Description:

Christian morality has always been challenged and rejected by unbelievers. But today even many believers have lost their moral footing. Moreover, believers who want to live ethically are frequently confused by the complexities of ethical decisions. Even so, with proper study of the Bible’s system of ethics, Christians can learn how to evaluate problems in ways that lead to biblical solutions.

Course Goals and Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, students will:

1.    Learning to analyze and critically evaluate ideas, arguments, and points of view through…

  • close reading of texts – both biblical and contemporary.
  • respectful engagement and debate between diverse voices in the Christian tradition, public square, and our own classroom

2.    Learning fundamental principles, generalizations, or theories, especially

  • what difference it makes if we emphasize rules, consequences, virtues, etc.
  • what difference it makes if we emphasize biblical sources vs. “natural law” sources
  • what difference Jesus’ proclamation of the Reign of God makes

3.    Learning to apply course material to improve thinking, problem solving, and decisions by…

  • learning to draw on multiple sources of wisdom and information
  • regularly working through real-world case studies in the classroom.

4.    Developing skill in expressing oneself orally and in writing through …

  • two major writing assignments.
  • classroom discussion

5.    Developing a clearer understanding of, and commitment to, personal values through…

  • honest, conscientious, and respectful participation in all of the above!



[Syllabus] [Assignments] [Lectures] [Classrooms] [Tests] [Schedule] [Resources]