
Course Syllabus
3 Credit Hour


ACU Shared Course


Fort Myers, FL




Course Learning Resources:

Kingdom Living One

Kingdom Living Two

Kingdom Growth

MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 6th Edition by Joseph Gibaldi

Course Description

This course will help define what the Gospel of the Kingdom is, and how we can live in the principles and attitudes of the Kingdom more fully. You will examine the Sermon on the Mount, which has been called the Manifesto of the King. We will take a verse-by-verse examination of this to see how we should be developing in character as its citizens, and what the relationship of the Kingdom of Heaven is to the world.

 Course Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, students will:

1.     Understand what it means to live by kingdom principles.

2.     Apply kingdom principles to your daily life.

3.     Gain a greater perspective of how kingdom principles apply to all ministry functions.

4.     Experience a closer walk with the Lord by seeking Him in all that you do.


C. Course Requirements and Policies:

This is a 90-day course. However, if more time is needed, this can be worked out on an individual basis. 

I will be available for you to answer any questions, engage in discussion and provide assistance as needed.

Your written assignments should be submitted as file attachments in either Microsoft Word or HTML format. Each assignment will be evaluated, graded, and returned with feedback.

Time Management
Please be sure to manage your time for your assignments so that you have adequate time to complete your work over the 90-day period.

Discussion is an important aspect to an effective online course because it will allow us to interact in virtual environment. We will primarily communicate via e-mail.  Please feel free to use my email address for questions, comments, concerns, etc. and I will do the same.

Standards for Grading Assignments

As indicated below, “C” or 2.0 level work is considered average. Leaders are not average people.  You are therefore expected (required) to put forth the

effort necessary to demonstrate at least “B” (3.0) level work or higher on all assignments which you submit. Any which do not will be returned to you with input

from your instructor on how you can raise your grade to the expected level. A course grade will not be given until your assignments demonstrate that

you have understood the material presented in the course and allowed your life to be transformed by the Spirit and the Word studied — the requirements for attaining a “B”. 

Your individual assignments (tests, written assignments, etc.) will be graded according to the following standards. These grades will be averaged together to determine your course grade. ACU is training you as a leader and leaders are above-average people. Therefore, your work will reflect that. 

“A” • Grasped the material with thoroughness, industry and correctness of detail.

      • Made the material his own by thinking about it and integrating it, using

        originality, natural ability, and insight.  

“B” • Intelligently has fulfilled the requirements of this course.

      • Understands the subject matter presented and has applied it to his life in a

        limited manner but has not really made the truths his own. 

“C” • Average work; either steady work of an acceptable quality, or work of a high

        quality which is uneven, irregular or fragmentary.

      • May be mechanically or outwardly correct but shows little reflection upon or

        personal assimilation of the material. 

“D” • Indicates barely passing work that is inferior to the average both in quantity

        and in quality.

      • Manifests a lack of initiative or sense of responsibility or both.

How to Take This Course

The Assignments, Lectures, and Resources pages contain the content of this course. Please take a look at each page, (Assignments and Resources, especially) and be sure to contact ACU if you have questions. After that, to get started, just visit the Assignment page and begin.

[Syllabus] [Assignments] [Lectures] [Classrooms] [Tests] [Schedule] [Resources]