Assignments for this course take the form of written summaries, research, and analysis. They are designed to help us work through the course
objectives, while keeping a focus on our spiritual growth through conceptual learning.For each assignment, please develop a document and submit it to me in either Microsoft Word or HTML format (your word processing
software should permit you to do a "save as" and choose either of those formats).
Course Schedule
Ask the Holy Spirit to speak the truth of God to you
each time you do an assignment.
Assignment #1
Readings: Reimagining Church
Chapter 1: Reimagining the Church as
an Organism
Chapter 2: Reimagining the Church
Chapter 3: Reimagining the Lord’s
Length 4-5 pages
Consider the churches you have been a part of in the
past. In what ways did they or did they not reflect the
relationship of the triune God? Is your present practice
of church an expression of the complete headship of
Jesus Christ of the headship of a human being?
Assignment #2
Readings: Reimagining Church
Chapter 4: Reimagining the Gathering
Chapter 5: Reimagining the Family of
Chapter 6: Reimagining Church
Length 4-5 pages
When you see or hear the phrase house church or
church in the home, what comes to your mind?
Explain. It’s been suggested that the main reason why so
many young people are turned off by the typical church
is because it isn’t functioning as a genuine family. Do
you agree or disagree? Explain. In light of 1
Corinthians 1:12-13, do you agree or disagree with the
statement that denominationalism has made division in
the body of Christ acceptable? Explain.
Assignment #3
Readings: Reimagining Church
Chapter 7: Church Practice and God’s
Eternal Purpose
Chapter 8: Reimagining Leadership
Chapter 9: Reimagining
Length 4-5 pages
What could be some of the results if Christians turned
their faces from meeting their own needs to fulfilling
God’s ultimate intention? Are you willing to discard the
man-centered gospel that’s commonly preached today and
center your life on God’s governing purpose? If so, how?
Do you think the church would be better off if we
followed the teachings of Jesus on leadership rather
than accepting the hierarchical/positional form of
leadership? Explain. What model of leadership do believe
best reflects leadership in the triune God: the single
pastor, official elders, or the community of believers
under the Spirit’s guidance? What is your church’s
Assignment #4
Readings: Reimagining Church
Chapter 10: Reimagining Decision-Making
Chapter 11: Reimagining Spiritual
Chapter 12:
Reimagining Authority and Submission
4-5 pages
Is it possible that many of the problems that plague the
institutional church today are directly rooted in our
arrogant assumption that we’ve found a better way to
lead God’s house in the 21st century than
what we find taught and modeled in the New Testament?
Explain. How familiar are you with “covering”
terminology? Have you ever used it as a standard by
which to judge people and churches? Where do think your
current thinking on “covering” and “accountability”
originates? Explain.
Assignment #5
Readings: Reimagining Church
Chapter 13: Reimagining
Denominational Covering
Chapter 14: Reimagining the Apostolic
Chapter 15: Where Do We Go From
Length 4-5 pages
If the early church didn’t create denominations, and
Paul rebuked the Corinthians for denominating
themselves, why do we unthinkingly accept them today?
Explain. If we took our cue for relationships in the
church from the Community of the Godhead instead of the
denominational system or the clergy system, what might
happen? Explain. What current problems in the church
could be the result of replacing plural oversight with
hierarchical forms of government; replacing
open-participatory meetings with program-based,
man-officiated services that foster passivity and
suppress functioning; and replacing the organic
expression of the body with a business organization run
by hired professionals? Explain.
Assignment #6
Readings: Reimagining Church
Appendix: Objections and Responses
about Leadership
Bethany: The Lord’s Desire for His Church
Length 4-5 pages
How does Bethany represent the Lord’s desire for His
Church? If we truly live according to the Lord’s desire
for His Church, how would that impact our relationships
and the Lord’s purpose for our lives?
Assignment #7
Final Project
Length and Depth is up to You!
What has the Lord revealed to you in this course?
Explain how you gained a greater understanding of the
Organic Church. As your final project, consider the
ministry that God has called you to and the gifts he has
anointed you with to fulfill His purpose. With this
mind, design the ministry vision based on your
understanding of the Organic Church that you believe
God’s is giving to you. That is, write down and use any
form of media (audio, video, PowerPoint, etc.) that you
choose to describe the vision that God has put in your
heart. What specific type of work do you see that Lord
is calling you or has called you to? Has the Lord given
you a plan to carry this vision out? If so, how? How
does your understanding of the Organic Church help you
gain more clarity regarding God’s call on your life?
Read: Beyond Bible Study: Finding Jesus Christ in
Consider all the material you observed in this
course and focus on those issues that are close to
your heart.
Also, make use of the bibliography resources in your
texts as they make excellent references for guided
Make use of the ACU Online Resource Center. There
are many great resources there to help you.
Assignments that MUST BE SUBMITTED to Your Instructor
for Grading
Assignment #1
Assignment #2
Assignment #3
Assignment #4
Assignment #5
Assignment #6
Assignment #7-Final Project