
Assignments for this course take the form of written summaries, research, and analysis. They are designed to help us work through the course objectives, while keeping a focus on our spiritural growth through conceptual learning.

For each assignment, please develop a document and submit it to me in either Microsoft Word or HTML format (your word processing software should permit you to do a "save as" and choose either of those formats).

Each assignment can be completed by completing the assigned bible reading, meditating on the meaning of the passage read, and making personal applications.

In addition to the assignments below you will be reading the NT Survey Supplement and completing the chapter self-tests  NT Survey  The self -tests can be typed out and submitted in word or HTML format.

Assignment 1
Reading: Book of Matthew

1. Please describe how John the Baptist qualified as a "voice crying in the wilderness."
2. Write an account of the Temptation of Jesus in the wilderness, as if you were a reporter with an "exclusive."
3. What was the key message of Jesus' first sermons (Matthew, chapter 4)
4. Why, in your opinion did Jesus tell us to seek first the kingdom, above all else? (Matthew, chapter 6)
5. Write an account of the events described in Matthew, chapter 8, from Peter's perspective, telling the story to a group of fisherman friends.
6. Write an account of the events described in Matthew, chapter 9, as if you were one of Jesus' disciples.
7. Why, in your opinion, did Jesus do things that the Pharisees found unlawful?
8. Write an account of the feeding of the five thousand as if you were one of the five thousand.
9. Why, in your opinion, did Jesus provide the particular guidelines he gave for resolving conflicts and forgiving others (see Matthew, chapter 18)
10. How did Jesus answer, when a lawyer asked him, which was the greatest commandment in the Old Testament Law? Do you suppose the answer would have been different if a priest or a "sinner" had asked?

Assignment 2
Reading: Book of Mark

1. Using the Parable of the Sower (Mark, chapter 4) write short character sketches of parts for a play illustrating each of the types of ground.
2. Write an account of the healing of the Gadarene man, from the point of view of the man who was healed.
3. Write an account of the healing of Jairus' daughter, from her point of view, as if you were telling your friends about the experience.
4. Write an account of the imprisonment and death of John the Baptist, from the view-point of Herodias (not Herod). Write as if you were Herodias, telling the story to one of her servant girls.
5. Write an account of the healing of the daughter of the Syrophoenician ("Greek") woman near Tyre, as if you were the woman, telling the story to her daughter afterwards.
6. Write an account of the healing of the deaf and dumb boy (Mark, chapter 9), from the point of view of the boy's father. Write as if you were the father, telling the story to your family back home.
7. Why, in your opinion, did Jesus settle the dispute as to who was the greatest of the disciples in the manner he used?
8. Describe Jesus' reaction when the disciples tried to stop children being brought to Him?
9. What was wrong with the way the Temple in Jerusalem was being used, and what did Jesus tell the people that the Temple should be used for (see Mark, chapter 11)
10. What, in your opinion, is Mark's key message to us in contemporary society?

Assignment 3
Reading: Book of Luke

1. Write an account of the events described in Luke, chapter 1, from Elizabeth's point of view.
2. Write an account of the events described in Luke, chapter 2, from Mary's point of view, as if you were telling the story to your grandchildren many years after the fact.
3. From Luke, chapter 4, compare and contrast the treatment of Jesus by the people of Nazareth and the people of Capernaum.
4. Whom did Peter say that Jesus is? How is this revelation knowledge applicable today?
5. In your own life, do you find yourself more in the role of Mary, or Martha? Why?
6. In Luke, chapter 11, describe the impact on you of Jesus' encouraging us to keep praying.
7. Re-tell the parable of the prodigal son, using a modern setting.
8. Write an account of Jesus' meeting with Zacchaeus, from the view-point of one of Zacchaeus' friends.

Assignment 4
Reading: Book of John

1. Re-write John 1:1-18 as if you were trying to explain it to an atheist.
2. Write an account of Jesus' teaching described in John 3:1-21, from Nicodemus' point of view, after he left Jesus.
3. Write an account of the events described in John 4:1-42, from the point of view of the people in the Samaritan woman's village.
4. Write an account of the events and teaching described in John, chapter 9, from the blind man's point of view.
5. Write an account of the events described in John, 11:1 - 12:8, from the Martha's point of view.
6. John quotes Jesus often as making statements which begin "I AM". If you were using these passages to write notes for a lesson or sermon, what points would you want to make?
7. John provided seven "signs" (miraculous acts of Jesus) to support Jesus' claim to be the Messiah. List them in order, giving chapter and verse reference. In your opinion, are these signs sufficient evidence to consider Jesus the Messiah?
8. What were Johns two purposes in writing his Gospel (see John 20:31)? Did he accomplish them

Assignment 5
Reading: All four crucifixion stories

Please read each of the crucifixion and resurrection stories and summarize the one that has the greatest impact on you personally. Identify the version, summarize it, and indicate why it is especially moving to you.

Assignment 6
Reading: Book of Acts

1. Write an account of the events described in Acts, chapter 1, from Matthias' point of view, telling the story to Luke.
2. Write an account of the events described in Acts, chapter 2, from the Roman visitors' point of view, as if you were describing the events to someone from home who could not make the trip.
3. Write an account of the ministry and martyrdom of Stephen, as if you were a news reporter of the day.
4. Describe the spiritual struggle taking place in Acts, for example in chapter 8, and its impact on the spread of Christianity.
5. Write a travel report of Paul and Barnabas' first missionary journey (Acts 13:1-15:4), as if you were trying to recruit travelers for the next trip.
6. Describe, in your opinion, the strategic importance of the Council at Jerusalem to the spread of Christianity. What was the impact of the topic addressed by the Council and its resolution?
7. Write an account of the events described in Acts, chapters 25 & 26, from King Agrippa's point of view, writing as if you were writing your memoirs.
8. Paul's approach to ministry included a strong component of self-support. What lessons should our contemporary ministry leaders take from his example?
9. Describe Paul's encounter with the Greek philosophers? What can we learn from his strategy and apply to witnessing in our contemporary culture?

Assignment 7
Reading: Pauline Epistles

Please provide a summary of the three Pauline books you consider most significant. Be sure to indicate their content, importance to you, and your opinion of their impact on society.

Assignment 8
Reading: Hebrews

The book of Hebrews was presumably written to people who knew the "old rules" but did not necessarily understand how to apply them to the "new" context of the risen Christ. Review the book of Hebrews and identify the elements that are, to you, most striking to the church today. Paraphrase those elements in language that a regular church attendee would find compelling.

Assignment 9
Reading: Non-Pauline Apostolic Books

Please provide a summary of apostolic book not written by the Apostle Paul. Be sure to indicate its content, importance to you, and your opinion of its impact on society.

Final Paper
Reading: The Revelation

Using the Book of the Revelation, develop a statement of faith that explains your position on Jesus Christ, his identity, work, and role in both your life and in the universe. Your statement may include input from any book in the New Testament, as long as you then link that book to the Revelation of Christ.

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