
Assignments for this course take the form of written summaries, research, and analysis. They are designed to help us work through the course objectives, while keeping a focus on our spiritual growth through conceptual learning.

For each assignment, please develop a document and submit it to me in either Microsoft Word or HTML format (your word processing software should permit you to do a "save as" and choose either of those formats).

Each assignment can be completed by consulting Web-based materials listed on the course Resource page.

Order two of the three "How to" study the bible books each comes from a different perspective select the two that you prefer.

Order the multipurpose Tools for Bible Study. Most study tools today are online however this book will help you to learn how to study using the books.

Order either the Greek or Hebrew book.

Your assignment will be to read 1-3 chapters per week for the next 12 weeks from each of the four books and write a 2-4 page summary every week of what you have learned.

To get you started before your books arrive here is a online NT Greek course you can go thru to earn extra credit Write a 10-12 Page Summary.

Your Final Paper will be to write a 10-12 page paper on all that you have discovered about bible study thru this course.


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