
Assignments for this course take the form of written summaries, research, and analysis. They are designed to help us work through the course objectives, while keeping a focus on our spiritual growth through conceptual learning.

For each assignment, please develop a document and submit it to me in either Microsoft Word or HTML format (your word processing software should permit you to do a "save as" and choose either of those formats).

Each assignment can be completed by consulting Web-based materials listed on the course Resource page.

 Assignment #1

 Reading:  Developing a Supernatural Lifestyle


                  Chapter 1: Change Your Mind

                  Chapter 2: Becoming the Dwelling Place of God

                  Chapter 3: Revelation and Understanding

                 Chapter 4: Understanding is an Experience

                 Chapter 5: Becoming Students of Miracles

Length 12-15 pages

 Discuss the relevance of developing a supernatural lifestyle. What impact does this have on the fullness of your life and ministry? Why is gaining an understanding of the supernatural lifestyle essential to your life and ministry? Examine the relevance of changing your mind, becoming the dwelling place of God, revelation and understanding, understanding in is an experience and becoming a student of miracles. Pray and seek the Lord for His revelation.

 Assignment #2

 Reading:  Developing a Supernatural Lifestyle

                    Chapter 6: Guilt-Free and Forgiven

Chapter 7: Remembering

Chapter 8: Enduring Uncertainty

Chapter 9: Learning From Your Body

Chapter 10: Dreaming With God

Chapter 11: Inheriting the Supernatural

 Length 12-15 pages

Talk about the impact of what it means to be guilt-free and forgiven, enduring uncertainty, dreaming with God and inheriting the supernatural. How do these apply to your life and ministry now? In what ways did Jesus show us how to live life supernaturally? What does it mean to be naturally supernatural? Pray and seek the Lord for His revelation.

  Assignment #3

 Reading:  Holy Spirit is Not for Sale

                    Introduction: Rekindling the Fire

Chapter 1: Hot Coals from Heavens Altar

                    Chapter 2: The Fire of Supernatural Anointing

                    Chapter 3: The Fire of Boldness

                    Chapter 4: The Fire of Purity

                    Chapter 5: The Fire of Integrity

                    Chapter 6: The Fire of Humility

 Length 12-15 pages

 Meditate on the meaning of the Atonement, Tabernacles and Purim. Look at these feasts in the Old Testament and discuss how they have been revealed in the New Testament. How do these feasts apply to your life and ministry now? Pray and seek the Lord for His revelation.

Assignment #4

 Reading:  Holy Spirit is Not for Sale

                    Chapter 7: The Fire of Truth

                    Chapter 8: The Fire of Justice

                    Chapter 9: The Fire of Spiritual Liberty

Chapter 10: The Fire of Prayer

                    Chapter 11: The Fire of Genuine Love

                    Chapter 12: How to Have Your Own Personal Pentecost

 Length 12-15 pages

 As we’ve seen so far, the supernatural lifestyle is not optional for us as Christians but essential to our abundant existence as Christians. How does the Holy Spirit give us the power to live a supernatural lifestyle? Pray and seek the Lord for His revelation. What impact does this have on your life and ministry?

Assignment #5

 Reading: Removing the Veil of Deception


Chapter 1: Living in Perilous Times

                    Chapter 2: Be Not Deceived

                    Chapter 3: Lying Signs, Wonders and Apparitions

                    Chapter 4: Seducing Spirits and Doctrines of Demons

                    Chapter 5: Judging the Supernatural

Write a commentary on the importance of discernment and its significance to your Christian life and ministry. Do you think that the spiritual gift of discernment is lacking in the Church today? Why or why not? How does discernment play into of God’s plan for restoration? Pray and seek the Lord for His revelation.

 Assignment #6

 Reading: Removing the Veil of Deception

Chapter 6: Guarding against Deception

Chapter 7: Dangers of Passivity and Spiritual Boredom

                    Chapter 8: Deceptive Practices throughout History

                    Chapter 9: Deliverance and Healing

                    Chapter 10: Forgiveness and Breaking Destructive Habit Patterns

                    Chapter 11: An Anointing to Break You Out of Deception

 Project: Create a teaching message that you feel God is putting on your heart regarding the development of the supernatural lifestyle and God’s restoration of His church. You will want to consider the questions: Who is the message for and what is God wanting to say though this message? Use this as an opportunity to allow God to stir up the communication gifts in you and present His will to His people. You can present this message in any setting you feel God is leading you such as a small group, bible study, men’s or women’s study, etc. Pray and seek the Lord for His revelation.

 Assignment #7

 Reading: Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind

 Write a commentary on how the supernatural power of a transformed mind is significant to our lives as Christians. What does it mean to be transformed by the renewing of our minds? Pray and seek the Lord for His revelation.

 Assignment #8

 Final Paper/Project

 Length 25-30 pages

 Consider God’s purpose for your life. How can gaining the revelation knowledge of God regarding the development of a supernatural lifestyle and your authority and inheritance as a believer prepare you for the times you are now living in? What is the connection between understanding God’s design for a supernatural lifestyle and the Christian life? Why is it essential to live a supernatural existence? For your final project, you can utilize any form of media you wish including  powerpoints, videos and audio files (mp3s). In the paper portion of your final project, sum up your knowledge, ideas and conclusions you reached during the course. Focus your paper and make sure it reflects, through references and comments, the work you have done and what you gained from your learning experience. Explain how you gained a greater understanding of the supernatural lifestyle, its relevance to your life as a Christian and how you can apply your understanding in your ministry to others. Pray and seek the Lord for His revelation.

  • Consider all the material you observed in this course and focus on those points that are close to your heart.
  • Also, make use of the bibliography resources in your texts as they make excellent references for guided research.
  • Use any resources you find relevant.  Make use of the ACU Online Resource Center. There are many great resources there to help you.


 Assignments that MUST BE SUBMITTED to Your Instructor for Grading



Assignment #1

Assignment #2

Assignment #3

Assignment #4

Assignment #5

Assignment #6

Assignment #7

Assignment #8: Final Paper/Project


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