Assignment 1

Assignment 1: Mathematical Sets


Mathematical sets, or groups of comparable items, symbols, or ideas, make up the foundation of some of our most important forms and activities: logic, philosophy, rhetoric, and even psychology.

For this assignment, we will explore the nature of the set, its use in mathematics, and its application to other activities in our lives.

Assignment: Set Theory

Our premise in MATH 1120 is that mathematics is a way of looking at the world. "Sets" in the world of mathematics describe groupings of like items. The concept can be applied to many, many areas of life, certainly including religious practice, politics, social interaction, and even romantic relationships.

Using the course resources , develop a paper entitle "Set Theory: Beyond The Math."

Begin by defining set theory in your own words. Clearly explain how the mathematical concept operates. Then apply set theory to "sets" that you observe in the non-math environment.

Be sure to address the following:

What is "set theory:"
What is a "set"
Are there different types of sets? How are they arranged?
What are "naive" sets?
What is "axiomatic" set theory?
How is "set theory" used in mathematics?
Develop examples of "set theory" from your own profession or personal interest (ie., hobby, family, etc.)

Expected length: 6-10 pages


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