Assignment 5

Comments: Go Into the World

In what is commonly known as "The Great Commission," Jesus instructed his disciples that they were to "go into the world, making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age." (Matt. 28:19-20)

Among his last words before He ascended to heaven was this reminder to the apostles that they were to continue his work, not only to the Jewish nation, but beyond until the entire world had heard about Jesus.

This is the first time in history that "religion" was to be spread beyond a local village or tribe. It was the first time an entire set of beliefs was to be actively advocated, taught, and modeled to people everywhere.

It is perhaps difficult for us to imagine just how revolutionary this concept really was at the time. Until then, "religion" was a personal, local, tribal matter. Now Jesus comes along and says, in effect, "go beyond. Go beyond your borders. Go beyond your racial group. Go beyond your language. Go beyond your own limitations. Go. Go into the entire world."

For a bunch of Jewish fishermen, it was quite a challenge.

And so it remains for us today. We have the benefit of 2000+ years of missionary experience; through our history books, we have seen missionary struggle, missionary trial, and missionary victory.

Because of Jesus' direct order, eternal salvation immediately began to be preached and enjoyed in an ever-outward reaching circle. And because of Jesus' nature, along with the Good News have come health care and medicine, farming and survival techniques, food in an almost incalculable amount, and various other resources that Christians have sent out "into the world" just because Jesus told them to, and still tells them to, today.

Please review the following before beginning this assignment

Believer' Article: "What is the Great Commission?"

Article – To Whom Was The Great Commission Given?


For this assignment, we will become better informed about ministries and missions that are focused on taking the Gospel message to the entire world.

Please identify a region of the world that is important to you, other than your home region. (As an alternative, feel free to identify a people group.) Then find ministry efforts that are working to take Jesus to that part of the world.

Using the Internet and resources available to you, please do the following:

    Regional Ministry Profiles: In nearly every area of the globe, there are groups, organizations, and ministries that work to take the Gospel to the nations.

    Please develop short profiles of ministries and organizations that seek to take the Good News to the world, with a focus on your chosen region.

    Your profiles may include church ministries, parachurch ministries, charities, outreaches, or informal networks.

    Format : Your profile should include the organization's name, mission, and scope (how wide their operation reaches). It should also include your comments about the way their organization works, who it serves, why its work is important, and what about the group and its work touches your heart. Finally, be sure to observe and note how the organization carries out Jesus' priority for taking the Good News to the nations.

 Note: For this assignment, please feel free to focus on global ministries, Internet ministries, media ministries, or other particularly effective and creative ways that the Gospel is going out to the whole world. If it fits your preference to take a different approach, please do.


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