Final Paper

Final Paper: All Over the World

Objective: Develop a personal strategy for ministering to the broken (Cont'd.)

Assignment: Please choose one of the themes from this course's assignments, one that especially appeals to you, and develop a ministry strategy around it.

Themes include (please choose 1):

    Unto the least of these
    It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick
    Which one is a neighbor?
    The Good News is preached to the poor
    Go into the world
    All things to all people

From these themes, please carefully choose one that you believe matches your personal ministry calling. For this paper, you will develop a ministry strategy around that theme.

Your ministry strategy should stem from the general theme you have chosen, and apply to the need you observe in the broken around you.

To develop your strategy, please consider the following (some questions may be repetitive for your situation; feel free to pick and choose):

    Given my theme, who are "the broken" I may serve?
    What resources are already available to serve them?
    What resources are needed?
    How can additional resources- if needed- be brought to the need?
    What groups (or churches) are concerned with "the broken" I have observed?
    How effective are those groups?
    What do they need to become more effective?
    What one thing can I do to minister to "the broken" as I have come to understand them?
    What one thing can I do to learn how to better minister to "the broken" around me?
    How can I get others involved with ministering to this group of "the broken"?

The answers to these questions—and perhaps others you may ask—will help you understand the parameters of the need you have observed in "the broken" around you.

Be as specific as you can in your answers.

Your strategy document should be developed in good report form, using either MLA or APA style documentation for all external resources.

Please be sure to address the following issues:

    The environment (i.e., your theme and its application in your world)
    Available resources
    Needed resources
    Specific measures that can be taken immediately
    Longer-term measures that can be developed over time
    Prospects – How can your ministry strategy touch "the broken" in your area?

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