
Course Syllabus
3 Credit Hour


ACU Shared Course


ACU, Naples, FL




Course Learning Resources:

Text:  Music Through the Eyes of Faith (Paperback—click on title to purchase)

          by Harold Best (Can be purchased at or  ( is a free service for reading and researching Scripture online--all in the language or translation of your choice (which includes the Bible in 50 different versions as well as in 35 different languages).  It provides advanced tools you can use to search the Bible by keywords or verse, as well as other tools to enhance your study of the Bible. 

E-Sword ( e-Sword is a free software package that offers multiple bible translations, commentaries, and other biblical resources.  e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly with more capabilities than you would expect in a free software package.  This is a great resource for additional bible and bible-related sources. subscription: Questia is an online library of over 400,000 downloadable resources, including books, journals and periodical articles. Subscriptions are available on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis, and will replace the purchase of individual textbooks if needed for this course. (Optional but not required)

Holy Bible (please note what translation you use on your assignments)

Course Description

This course presents the concepts and characteristics that form great music evaluated from a Christian perspective. Key concepts include the theory and underlying structure of music.  Developments in music are also traced from a spiritual and cultural perspective.

 Course Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, students will:

1. Be exposed to major concepts in music from a Christian worldview.

2. Read and discuss the nature of truth and beauty in music.

3. Understand the principles that determine quality in music from a Christian perspective.

4. Be exposed to various purposes served by music from a Christian worldview.

5. Be exposed to shifts in musical expression through history.

6. Evaluate historical and contemporary music through a framework of Christian faith.

Course Policies

    This is a 90 day independent study course, and is designed to be primarily self-paced. Its requirements include assignments and tests that you will complete and submit via the Internet.

    Email and Internet contact are available to answer questions, engage in discussion and provide assistance as needed.

    Your assignments should be submitted as file attachments in either Microsoft Word or HTML format. Each assignment will be evaluated, graded, and returned with feedback. Values for each assignment and test are provided in a table below.

    Please be sure to time your assignments so that you have adequate time to complete the work in 90 days. Course tests are sent to you after you complete specific assignments (please see Test page), so be sure to give yourself enough space to pace the work comfortably.

    As an independent study course, this is a more self-paced exercise than a scheduled class might be. However, discussion is still important. Please feel free to use the email address provided for questions, comments, and concerns about the course. Your email will be forwarded to and answered by a member of Ames Christian University's faculty.

Evaluation Material

Assignments and Tests
There are 5 assignments, plus a final paper.

Grade Components

            There will be a total of 1000 points for this course:





   599 and below=F

  Your 90 days will begin when you receive your book.         

How to Take This Course

The Assignments, Lectures, and Resources pages contain the content of this course. Please take a look at each page, (Assignments and Resources, especially) and be sure to contact ACU if you have questions. After that, to get started, just visit the Assignment page and begin.

[Syllabus] [Assignments] [Lectures] [Classrooms] [Tests] [Schedule] [Resources]