Course Learning Resources: Your instructor will provide the framework for assignments and resources for this course. Please contact him at levejoe@comcast.net.Course Description This course features an analysis of the moral and ethical principles of civilization from a philosophical perspective. Key topics include moral influence, responsibility, the
JudaicChristian traditions, humanism, and law and order.Course Learning Objectives Upon completion of this course, students will:
1. Understand the necessity for a civilization to have a set of shared and accepted values. 2. Understand the characteristics of and relationship between absolute and relative moral theories. 3. Be able to
distinguish between etiquette, law, personal values, of conduct, and moral arguments in relation to practices, behaviors, and goals. 4. Be able to construct valid, defensible ethical arguments; 5. Be able to
recognize logical fallacies at work in arguments advanced in support or rebuttal of various ethical issues; 6. Be able to recognize and evaluate emerging trends in moral expectations of society.
Course Policies
This is a 90 day independent study course, and is designed to be primarily self-paced. Its requirements include assignments and tests that you will complete and submit via the
Internet. I will maintain email and Internet contact and will be available to answer questions, engage in discussion and provide assistance as needed. Your assignments should be submitted
as file attachments in either Microsoft Word or HTML format. Each assignment will be evaluated, graded, and returned with feedback. Values for each assignment and test are provided in a table below.
Timing Please be sure to time your assignments so that you have adequate time to complete the work in 90 days. Course tests are sent to you after you complete specific assignments, so be sure to give
yourself enough space to pace the work comfortably. Communication As an independent study course, this is more a one-on-one exercise than a scheduled class might be. However, discussion is
still important. Please feel free to use my email address for questions, comments, concerns, etc. and I will do the same. We do have the option to add a discussion forum should we need one.
Evaluation Material Assignments and Tests
There are 6 major assignments, plus a final paper and a final exam. Grade Components
Grading Scale |