
Assignments for this course take the form of written summaries, research, and analysis. They are designed to help us work through the course objectives, while keeping a focus on our spiritual growth through conceptual learning.

For each assignment, please develop a document and submit it to me in either Microsoft Word or HTML format (your word processing software should permit you to do a "save as" and choose either of those formats).

Each assignment can be completed by consulting Web-based materials listed on the course Resource page.

Reading Assignment #1 This week you will read the following articles at Meditate on what you read, Make a note where you receive revelation.

Our Adversary

Territorial Spirits

Deceitfulness of Demons

Prayer Counseling Case Types

Bondages Through Lies 

Week #1 Assignment: Taking what you have read and your own observations write a 8-10 page paper on one of the topics discussed other online resources may be used please quote these sources.


 Reading Assignment #2: This week you will read the following articles at Meditate on what you read, Make a note where you receive revelation. 

Understanding Curses

God Utilizes The Enemy


Symptoms of Oppression 

Week #2 Assignment:  Taking what you have read and your own observations write a 8-10 page paper on one of the topics discussed other online resources may be used please quote these sources.


 Reading Assignment #3: This week you will read the following articles at Meditate on what you read, Make a note where you receive revelation. 

Sexual Bondages

The Battle of the Mind

Christian Passivity

Breaking Family Strongholds

Identity in Christ  

Week #3 Assignment: Taking what you have read and your own observations write a 8-10 page paper on one of the topics discussed other online resources may be used please quote these sources.


Reading Assignment #4: This week you will read the following articles at Meditate on what you read, Make a note where you receive revelation.


God is Seeking Disciples

Reflections on Deliverance

True Priesthood  

Week #4 Assignment: Taking what you have read and your own observations write a 8-10 page paper on one of the topics discussed other online resources may be used please quote these sources.


Reading Assignment #5: This week you will read the following articles at Meditate on what you read, Make a note where you receive revelation.

Scale of Trust

The Problem of Sin

Spiritual Authority  

Week #5 Assignment: Taking what you have read and your own observations write a 8-10 page paper on one of the topics discussed other online resources may be used please quote these sources.


Reading Assignment #6: This week you will read the following articles at Meditate on what you read, Make a note where you receive revelation. 

Focusing on the Lord

Warfare Prayer

Biblical Prayers  

Week #6 Assignment: Taking what you have read and your own observations write a 8-10 page paper on one of the topics discussed other online resources may be used please quote these sources.


FINAL PAPER: Write an 8-10 page paper on all that you personally learned and what the Lord reveled to you in the course.  

Your paper should be 8-10 pages in length and your strategy documentation should be developed in good report form, using either MLA or APA style for all external resources.


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