Course Learning Resources:
Required Texts: Miracle
of the Scarlet Thread: Revealing the Power of the Blood of Jesus from
Genesis to Revelation by
Richard Booker
Blood: Experience the power that brings salvation, healing, and miracles by Benny Hinn
The Power of the Blood of Christ by Andrew Murray
Recordings: The Overcoming Power of the Blood
by Billye Brim [This can be downloaded
at no cost by creating a free account at The Manna
Reserve Digital Library (].
Please make sure you have Window Media Player or Real
Player on your computer to listen to these recordings.
Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 6th
by Joseph Gibaldi
(Required for all courses in the M.Min.
(please note what translation you use on your
Course assignments can be completed using Web-based resources linked from the
Resources page. Course Description
The purpose of this
course is to help you understand the concept of a blood
covenant and how it relates to the covenant God has made
for us through Jesus Christ. You will learn the basic
blood covenant ritual and how God made it known to Adam,
Abraham, Moses, and the prophets as a picture of
the blood of the everlasting covenant He made for us
with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Course Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students will:
Quote the following Scriptures:
Hebrews 13:11-12
Galatians 3:26-29
Colossians 1:19-20
Ephesians 5:2
Leviticus 17:11
Explain how the two testaments are linked together.
Define the meaning of the word “covenant.”
Briefly describe the covenant exchange that took place
at the cross.
Explain what Abraham believed, for God to count him as
Explain why God gave the Ten Commandments.
Explain the purpose of the Tabernacle and how it pointed
the Hebrews to Christ.
Explain why God established the sacrifice system and how
it pointed the Hebrews
Briefly explain why God established the priesthood and
how it pointed the
Hebrews to Christ.
Describe the work of the High Priest on the Day of
Explain how God used the deliverance from Egypt to
direct the Hebrews to Christ.
As you
apply the truths of this course to you life, you
will be changed. Below are some of the following
expected changes. You will:
Understand that the Bible is the progression of an
unfolding covenant God made
• Have
a greater realization that the Old Testament (Old
Covenant) is a shadow of
New Testament (New Covenant).
Understand the blood covenant and know why it was
necessary for God to
establish this means for man to approach God.
Realize why we cannot approach God by keeping the Ten
Recognize Jesus Christ as the perfect innocent
substitutionary sin sacrifice to take
sin, not just cover sin.
• Have
a deeper revelation of Jesus Christ as the High Priest,
the perfect mediator,
he intercedes on our behalf.
Understand that the blood placed on the Hebrews'
doorposts in Egypt was a
shadow of the slain blood of Jesus Christ, who was the
perfect sin sacrifice.
• Have
a greater reality of how the Old Covenant offerings
pointed to the New
Covenant Sacrifice, Jesus Christ.
Understand the personal ramifications of the covenant
• Have
a greater reverence for the shed blood of Jesus Christ
rather than any self
righteous acts.
Understand our covenant position in Christ.
• Have
more boldness and confidence to approach God because of
your covenant
relationship with God.
Spend more time praising and thanking God for the shed
blood of Jesus Christ.
Worship Him for the grace that He has extended to you
because of the covenant.
• Be
more joyful during the covenant meal.
• Walk
in covenant relationship with the Lord bringing all
areas of your life into
submission to Him.
Trust God in the midst of your circumstances because of
the covenant.
Humbly accept God’s grace rather than approach him with
your self-
Appropriate your covenant benefits in Christ.
Course Policies
This is a 16-week
course. However, if more time is needed, this can be
worked out on an individual basis.
I will be available
for you to answer any questions, engage in discussion
and provide assistance as needed.
Your written
assignments should be submitted as file attachments in
either Microsoft Word or HTML format. Each assignment
will be evaluated, graded, and returned with feedback.
Time Management
Please be sure to
manage your time for your assignments so that you have
adequate time to complete your work over the 16-week
Discussion is an
important aspect to an effective online course because
it will allow us to interact in virtual environment. We
will primarily communicate via e-mail. Please feel free
to use my email address for questions, comments,
concerns, etc. and I will do the same.
Standards for Grading
You are expected
(required) to put forth the effort necessary to
demonstrate at least “B” (3.0) level work or higher on
all assignments which you submit. Any which do not will
be returned to you with input from your instructor on
how you can raise your grade to the expected level.
A course grade
will not be
given until
your assignments demonstrate that
you have
understood the material presented in the course and
allowed your life to be transformed by the Spirit and
the Word studied
— the requirements
attaining a “B”.
Your individual
assignments (tests, written assignments, etc.) will be
graded according to the following standards. These
grades will be averaged together to determine your
course grade. ACU is training you as a leader and
leaders are people of excellence. Therefore, your work
will reflect that.
“A” • Grasped the
material with thoroughness, industry and correctness of
• Made the
material his own by thinking about it and integrating
it, using
natural ability, and insight.
“B” • Intelligently
has fulfilled the requirements of this course.
• Understands
the subject matter presented and has applied it to his
“C” • Average work;
either steady work of an acceptable quality, or work of
a high
quality which
is uneven, irregular or fragmentary.
• May be
mechanically or outwardly correct but shows little
reflection upon or
assimilation of the material.
“D” • Indicates
barely passing work that is inferior to the average both
in quantity
and in
• Manifests a
lack of initiative or sense of responsibility or both. |