Course Learning Resources:
Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 6th
by Joseph Gibaldi
(Required for all courses in the M.TH.
(please note what translation you use on your
Course assignments can be completed using Web-based resources linked from the
Resources page.Course Description
Christian morality has always
been challenged and rejected by unbelievers. But today
even many believers have lost their moral footing.
Moreover, believers who want to live ethically are
frequently confused by the complexities of ethical
decisions. Even so, with proper study of the Bible’s
system of ethics, Christians can learn how to evaluate
problems in ways that lead to biblical solutions.
Course Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students will:
Learning to analyze and critically evaluate
ideas, arguments, and points of view through…
close reading of
texts – both biblical and contemporary.
respectful engagement
and debate between diverse voices in the Christian
tradition, public square, and our own classroom
Learning fundamental principles, generalizations,
or theories, especially …
what difference it
makes if we emphasize rules, consequences, virtues,
what difference it
makes if we emphasize biblical sources vs. “natural
law” sources
what difference
Jesus’ proclamation of the Reign of God makes
Learning to apply course material to improve
thinking, problem solving, and decisions by…
learning to draw on
multiple sources of wisdom and information
regularly working
through real-world case studies in the classroom.
Developing skill in expressing oneself orally and
in writing through …
two major writing
classroom discussion
Developing a clearer understanding of, and
commitment to, personal values through…
conscientious, and respectful participation in all
of the above!
Course Policies
This is a 12-week
course. However, if more time is needed, this can be
worked out on an individual basis.
I will be available
for you to answer any questions, engage in discussion
and provide assistance as needed.
Your written
assignments should be submitted as file attachments in
either Microsoft Word or HTML format. Each assignment
will be evaluated, graded, and returned with feedback.
Time Management
Please be sure to
manage your time for your assignments so that you have
adequate time to complete your work over the 16-week
Discussion is an
important aspect to an effective online course because
it will allow us to interact in virtual environment. We
will primarily communicate via e-mail. Please feel free
to use my email address for questions, comments,
concerns, etc. and I will do the same.
Standards for Grading
You are expected
(required) to put forth the effort necessary to
demonstrate at least “B” (3.0) level work or higher on
all assignments which you submit. Any which do not will
be returned to you with input from your instructor on
how you can raise your grade to the expected level.
A course grade
will not be
given until
your assignments demonstrate that
you have
understood the material presented in the course and
allowed your life to be transformed by the Spirit and
the Word studied
— the requirements
attaining a “B”.
Your individual
assignments (tests, written assignments, etc.) will be
graded according to the following standards. These
grades will be averaged together to determine your
course grade. ACU is training you as a leader and
leaders are people of excellence. Therefore, your work
will reflect that.
“A” • Grasped the
material with thoroughness, industry and correctness of
• Made the
material his own by thinking about it and integrating
it, using
natural ability, and insight.
“B” • Intelligently
has fulfilled the requirements of this course.
• Understands
the subject matter presented and has applied it to his
“C” • Average work;
either steady work of an acceptable quality, or work of
a high
quality which
is uneven, irregular or fragmentary.
• May be
mechanically or outwardly correct but shows little
reflection upon or
assimilation of the material.
“D” • Indicates
barely passing work that is inferior to the average both
in quantity
and in
• Manifests a
lack of initiative or sense of responsibility or both. |