

Course Syllabus
3 Credit Hour


ACU Shared Course


ACU, Fort Myers, FL




Course Learning Resources: 

Text:  The Heart of the Artist: A Character-Building Guide for You & Your

             Ministry Team by Rory Noland

             The Dynamics of Worship LeadingCourse Reader ( is a free service for reading and researching Scripture online--all in the language or translation of your choice (which includes the Bible in 50 different versions as well as in 35 different languages).  It provides advanced tools you can use to search the Bible by keywords or verse, as well as other tools to enhance your study of the Bible. 

E-Sword ( e-Sword is a free software package that offers multiple bible translations, commentaries, and other biblical resources.  e-Sword is feature rich and user friendly with more capabilities than you would expect in a free software package.  This is a great resource for additional bible and bible-related sources. 

Holy Bible (please note what translation you use on your assignments) 

Materials may also be supplemented by additional readings.

Course Description

This course is designed to raise up Spirit-filled and Spirit-empowered Worship Leaders, whether in small group or corporate worship settings.  You will learn the responsibilities or worship leading, how to prepare and how to follow the leading the Holy Spirit.

 Course Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, students will:

1. Understand the responsibilities of worship leading.

2. Learn how prepare and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

3. Gain a solid foundation of worship as lifestyle.

4. Grasp the importance of character development as a means of spiritual growth.

5. Know how to walk in victory over temptation and sin through God’s love and power.

Course Policies

This is a 16-week course.  Its requirements include assignments and a final exam which you will complete and submit via the Internet.  You will also engage in discussion of course material, which will enable you to have regular contact with your instructor and other classmates.

I will be available for you to answer any questions, engage in discussion and provide assistance as needed.

Your assignments should be submitted as file attachments in either Microsoft Word or HTML format. Each assignment will be evaluated, graded, and returned with feedback. Values for each assignment and the final paper/project are provided in the grade components below.

Time Management
Please be sure to manage your time for your assignments so that you have adequate time to complete your work over the 16-week period.

Communication and discussion are important aspects to an effective online course because they will allow us to interact in a virtual environment. We will primarily communicate via e-mail. Please feel free to use my email address for questions, comments, concerns, etc. and I will do the same.

Evaluation Material

Assignments and Tests
There are 6 assignments, plus a Final Exam.

Grade Components

            There will be a total of 1000 points for this course:





   599 and below=F           

Individual assignments:  140pts. x 6=840pts. (85% of total)
Final Exam:  160pts. (15% of total)

How to Take This Course

The Assignments, Lectures, and Resources pages contain the content of this course. Please take a look at each page, (Assignments and Resources, especially) and be sure to contact ACU if you have questions. After that, to get started, just visit the Assignment page and begin.

[Syllabus] [Assignments] [Lectures] [Classrooms] [Tests] [Schedule] [Resources]