

Assignments for this course take the form of written summaries, research, and analysis. They are designed to help us work through the course objectives, while keeping a focus on our spiritual growth through conceptual learning.

For each assignment, please develop a document and submit it to me in either Microsoft Word or HTML format (your word processing software should permit you to do a "save as" and choose either of those formats).

Assignment Guidelines: Please read 1 Timothy and respond to the analytical questions. Your responses may be as long or short as necessary to be complete. Please compile all of your responses in a single file to submit by email.

Assignment 1
1 Timothy, Chapter 1
1.) Why was it important in this section for Paul to remind Timothy of his apostolic authority?
2.) Paul's letter indicates that he is unafraid to delve into controversial subjects. Should Christians avoid teaching or dealing with any subjects that are controversial (or promote controversy)?
3.) How do you determine whether a teaching promotes God's work?
4.) What is an example of a teaching that should be avoided?
5.) In verse 18, what does Paul mean by "fight"? Who are we fighting against?

Reading Assignment read chapters 1-2 in Max Lucado book
Writing Assignment 2-3 page report on what you read.

Assignment 2

1 Timothy, Chapter 2
1.) What does praying for those in authority have to do with living quiet and peaceful lives?
2.) Why should Christians seek to live "quiet and peaceful" lives?
3.) What right does Paul have to command women how to dress? What does dress have to do with Christianity?
4.) Are Paul's commands to women (v. 11) gender-specific? Are we not all equal in Christ?

Reading Assignment read chapters 3-4 in Max Lucado book
Writing Assignment 2-3 page report on what you read.

Assignment 3
1 Timothy, Chapter 3
1.) What qualifications and characteristics are required of God's "bishops" (overseers)?
2.) How are these different from the requirements for deacons?
3.) How could you use the characteristics mentioned in Chapter 3 to pray for ministry leaders? 4.) What is "the devil's trap" that is mentioned in this section?

Reading Assignment read chapters 5-6 in Max Lucado book
Writing Assignment 2-3 page report on what you read.

Assignment 4
1 Timothy, Chapter 4
1.) In early Christianity, false teaching was a constant problem. Waves of doctrine swept through the church from various false teachers. Does this still happen today?
2.) How do we know if something is a "false" teaching, or if it is merely a "different view" of biblical truth than we hold?
3.) What do think attracts people to such false teachers and false ideas?
4.) How does one "train himself" to be godly (verses 7 & 8)
5.) What did Paul mean (verse 15) when he instructed Timothy to "give yourself wholly to these things?"
6.) Paul instructed Timothy to refute criticism based on Timothy's age. What qualifications of a young minister permit him to transcend age-related bias?

Reading Assignment read chapters 7-8 in Max Lucado book
Writing Assignment 2-3 page report on what you read.

Assignment 5
1 Timothy, Chapter 5
1.) Should we treat Christians differently based on their age and gender?
2.) What is the problem with "living for pleasure" as Paul describes it? (verse 6)
3.) Paul makes a stinging generalization about young women (verse 13). What do you suppose motivated him to such a comment?
4.) Paul strongly urges Timothy to avoid certain practices (verses 21-25) that are often associated with ministry leadership. What kinds of problems was Paul seeking to avoid?
5.) Paul's exhortation to Timothy to drink wine (verse 23) has been used by both sides in the debate about Christians and drinking. What do you think Paul was saying to Timothy in this verse?

Reading Assignment read chapters 9-10 in Max Lucado book
Writing Assignment 2-3 page report on what you read.

Assignment 6
1 Timothy, Chapter 6
1.) If slavery existed today, how do you suppose this issue (verses 1 & 2) would be addressed?
2.) Paul discusses "believing owners" without directly addressing slavery as sin. Is slavery sin, based on a biblical interpretation?
3.) What attitude should Christians have towards legitimate authority figures?
4.) In what ways should we show respect for the structures God has set up in human society?
5.) Paul discusses false teachers in direct context of financial gain. What is the connection between false teaching and financial gain?
6.) How can "contentment" make one rich?

Reading Assignment read chapters 11-12 in Max Lucado book
Writing Assignment 2-3 page report on what you read.

Final Assignment: "Battle Manual." You have recently begun a new position in the Youth Ministries department of a large suburban church. The department is beginning "Operation Timothy," in which it is training a group of young men (late teens, early 20's) for a future in the ministry. Your pastor is deeply committed to biblical teaching and wants these young men trained exclusively from the word. He has asked you to develop a training manual for the program and to base it strictly on solidly biblical principles.

Please create a "Battle Manual for Young Men in Ministry" based on the teachings of 1 and 2 Timothy. Your "Battle Manual" should be entirely practical, while grounded in scripture. It must address the range of issues young men in the ministry face today. It should be positive and encouraging, full of "do's" and short of negativity. It should be concerned with the big picture, yet provide concrete, practical advice and guidance.

Your manual may be organized any way you choose. It may rely as heavily on quoting scripture as you wish. It should be short enough (25-30 pages, max) to be manageable and should have a priority on remaining readable for young men.


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