Assignment: Please read 2 Timothy and respond to the analytical questions. Your responses may be as long or short as necessary to be complete. Please compile all of your
responses in a single file to submit by email.Assignment 3
Objective: Have read and discussed classical studies on the life and work of Timothy;
Comments: The Biblical Studies Foundation's comprehensive
study of Timothy integrates several classical studies in outline and extended forms.
Assignment: Summary Study Reviews: Please summarize and review the
studies presented by the Biblical Studies Foundation (linked above). Please review each linked study individually. Your summary reviews should be presented in report format and should include:
A summary of each study's content
Your review of its value and relevance
A synthesis of the points you found most useful or insightful
Assignment 4
Objective: Understand the work and life of Timothy in its historical time and place;
Assignment: "For Another Time." Based on your studies of Timothy and observations on studies others have done, please develop a
paper entitled "For Another Time." The topic of the paper should be your review of those elements of 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy that fit in the context of the times in which they were written, but do not fit our era.
Please be as thorough as you can to identify ideas, practices, and issues that were relevant when 1 & 2 Timothy were written, but are no longer.
Assignment 5
Objective: Be prepared to articulate the principles of Timothy's life in contemporary terms;
Assignment: "For All Times." Based on your studies of Timothy and observations on studies others have done, please develop a
paper entitled "For All Times." The topic of the paper should be your review of those elements of 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy that transcend time, that were important in Timothy's time and are fit for any era. Please be as
thorough as you can to identify ideas, practices, and issues in 1 & 2 Timothy that were important then, are now, and always will be.
Assignment 6 & Final Paper Assignment
Objective: Be prepared to apply the principles of Timothy's life to their own ministry settings.
Comments: This assignment integrates Assignment 6 and the Final Paper. It counts for the equivalent grade weight for
both. The course
page may be helpful in completing the assignment.Assignment: "Battle Manual." You have recently begun a new position in the Youth Ministries department of a large suburban church. The department is beginning
"Operation Timothy," in which it is training a group of young men (late teens, early 20's) for a future in the ministry. Your pastor is deeply committed to biblical teaching and wants these young men trained exclusively
from the word. He has asked you to develop a training manual for the program and to base it strictly on solidly biblical principles.
Please create a "Battle Manual for Young Men in Ministry" based on the teachings of
1 and 2 Timothy. Your "Battle Manual" should be entirely practical, while grounded in scripture. It must address the range of issues young men in the ministry face today. It should be positive and encouraging, full of
"do's" and short of negativity. It should be concerned with the big picture, yet provide concrete, practical advice and guidance.
Your manual may be organized any way you choose. It may rely as heavily on quoting
scripture as you wish. It should be short enough (25-30 pages, max) to be manageable and should have a priority on remaining readable for young men.